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Wednesday, March 12, 2008



It has been said: "Beware of the Ides of March"...a time of impending doom.

On the national and state political scenes, the Ides of March have been a time of doom for some in political life; but of Hope for  better days for America and New York.

On the national scene, Hillary raised the issue of who is best qualified to be Commander In Chief?  She meant to promote herself over Obama. Her ploy backfired. It is clear that neither Hillary nor Obama are best qualified. Hillary's ploy made John McCain the instant frontrunner in the deciding issue of the 2008 elections.

The Democratic Party is like Humptey Dumptey, so fractured, that even all the King's men can't put it back together again. If Hillary can't be the nominee,  Obama maybe, but he won't win the Presidency.

Obama is style and no substance, lacking experience and judgment to be President in these perilous times, when the very survival of our nation is on the line. His wife, is not First Lady class, and a detriment to Obama's quest to be President.

John McCain appears to be close to choosing Mitt Romney as his VP running mate. A wise move.  There can be a division of labor between McCain and Mitt. McCain as Commander in Chief, with solid credentials,   can handle foreign affairs. Romney brings his economic skills/abilities and can be responsible for the homefront.

McCain, may not say much about the borders, or disavow his previous amnesty solution to the problem of tens of millions of illegal aliens who are already here. That can be addressed in 2009  and beyond.

One can not be an effective Commander In Chief in the War on Terror, while leaving  the borders porous, and allowing the Trojan Horse of illegal immigrants to remain within our borders. It is well known that many al Qaida operatives are posing as Mexicans, and other Latins.

From the economic and social welfare viewpoints, allowing largely unskilled illegals to remain here. will only make hard times worse for Americans, who will, out of necessity have to take jobs, now performed by the unskilled illegals. Having large numbers of unskilled, unemployed people, who are not proficient in English and who demonstrate a reluctance to be assimilated into American culture, creates  unneeded stress on our economy, social services, medical care, criminal justice, political and public education systems.  It further divides an already divided nation.

In New York State the Ides of March have brought both doom and hope.

Fare thee well to Eliot Spitzer, Silda and family.

On Day One everything in New York changed...but for the worse.

 Beware of those Presidential candidates who run on a theme of change, without offering any clear specifics as to the nature of that change.

March 17 offers Hope for better days in New York.  Governor Paterson and Lt. Governor/Senate Majority Leader Bruno can work together for better days in New York. Speaker Silver will fall in line. He can not afford to be the spoiler or obstructionist in the present political climate.

The viability of the two party system in New York will be maintained. That is good for Upstate and all New Yorkers.

Hope springs eternal from the Ides of March.

                                                                                   J P Sullivan


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is your most insightfull and honest assesment yet, everything is right on the money..Carl  I spoke to a very excited r j littles today, i guess he's been buddies with our lt for about 30 years...the whole tribe is going bannanas.