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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

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and will do.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

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Joe Sullivan

Monday, September 5, 2011


Afghanistan is the military graveyard
of empires, from Alexander The Great
down to our own time.

For ten years the U S has been involved
in a military action there.

The rationale was that after the 9-11
attack by Jihadists, we were going to
deny them a training camp base.

The bitter irony is that they have a
safe haven in neighboring Pakistan
and worse still, Jihadists have come
to our land, legally and illegally, and
have established terror recruitment
bases all over the USA, recruiting
native born malcontents to join their
ranks, to plot and train for the day
that they will strike.

They have safe havens in the USA
because the erstwhile Commander
in Chief, and his inept administration
have failed to secure our borders and
ports; and because states, cities and
local governments, offer political
sanctuary to the tens of millions of
illegals who have invaded our land
among them, many foreign terrorists.

Time to bring the troops home, secure
the Mexican border and prepare to
defend the homeland from attack
from within and without.

Failure to review, revise and police
legal immigration policies and practices
including "student" visas, "green cards"
and the like allows Jihadists to legally
enter the USA.

New York State and  City and the
majority of local political jurisdictions
therein, are exhibit A. Politically
correct to the point that all New
Yorkers are in grave danger.

Afghanistan is not a nation, it is a
tribal region.

We delude ourselves to think that
we can buy their allegiance.

Afghans have historically played
one foreign intruder against another.

There are never any winners in this
forelorn land, including the natives

Our would be Commander in Chief
has announced a gradual withdrawl
of our military from Afghanistan.

Our foes know this and are stepping
up actions against our military to
inflict as many casualties on us as
they can.

The Afghan tribesmen know that
their survival depends on duplicity
and double dealing with the U S
Taliban and Al Qaida.

It is a major tactical mistake to
operate on the premise that we
can use a greatly drawn down
military cadre to train Afghan
police and military to defend
themselves and their land from
the Taliban and Al Qaida.

We squander the lives of our valiant
military and waste billions of dollars
at a time when we face economic
collapse at home.

All for what?

The Middle East will soon go on fire.
Pakistan will fall , cutting off vital
supply lines to our troops in a land
of cruel winter, leaving them to face
the same fate as the British army in
Afghanistan in the First Anglo-Afghan

Iran will overrun Iraq and the oil
fields of the Middle East, denying
the U S the lifeblood of oil ensuring
economic collapse.

The  Jihadist sleepers, both illegal
and legal, now in our land ,will 
spring into action, along with their
allies of flash mobs of native born
domestic, antisocial malcontents.

Not only do we have an inept
Commander In Chief, but we have
and elected Congress , and a
complicit media ,which is enabling
him to destroy America.

Government can't save us. We must
save ourselves, the government and

When we fail to study history and
fail to see the peril of blind partyline
adherence to smooth talking
incompetent, politically correct
"leaders", we doom our Nation
and ourselves.

Consider the reflections of  one
of the few survivors regarding the
outcome of the First Anglo-Afghan
War in the 19th Century.

Keep in mind that, at that time
the British homeland did not face
the grave internal peril that Britain
Europe, America and all Americans
now face at home.

In 1843, the British army chaplain Rev G.H. Gleig wrote a memoir of the disastrous (First) Anglo-Afghan War, of which he was one of the very few survivors. He wrote that it was "a war begun for no wise purpose, carried on with a strange mixture of rashness and timidity, brought to a close after suffering and disaster, without much glory attached either to the government which directed, or the great body of troops which waged it. Not one benefit, political or military, was acquired with this war. Our eventual evacuation of the country resembled the retreat of an army defeated”. [10]


                                                           Joe Sullivan

Friday, September 2, 2011


August has come and gone again. Labor Day
is upon us.

My thoughts go back to my grandfather
Michael Joseph (O) Sullivan of Inchinteskin
Townland, Eyeries Parish, Beara  West Cork
grandmother Julia Harrington of the Allihies
Parish, her father, my great grandfather Sean
Harrington A Buiale  (Sean of the Field) in
Kilcatherine, and the thousands of other
relations from  Beara, who made the great
journey across the Atlantic to the miner's
frontier of the American West, to California
in 49, the Washoe and Virginia City  in 50
after that to the mining camps of the Montana
Idaho, Utah, the Yukon and the Southwest.

Grandfather Mike was a very tall man. A
hammer and drill miner in Butte, Montana
Cripple Creek, Colorado and the Nevada gold
rush camps of Goldfield, Tonopah and Rhyolite
where he met his untimely end at age 34 years
Mike was a union organizer for the Western
Federation of Miners and in the thick of the
labor wars in Cripple Creek and later Nevada.
I have his mine union ribbon,
WFof M 235 Rhyolite, Nevada.

Earlier generations from Beara had gone to
mine coal in Wales, then the Upper Peninisula
Michigan to mine copper, to Galena, Illinois
to mine lead and to mine coal in Pennsylvania.

When I hear the song -  Ghosts of the Molly
Maguires,-  I think of all my ancestors who
went down in the mines. Hardy men, they were.

I have found their graves  in Butte and other
Western mining camps and on still nights, in
the clear, quiet mountain air, heard the whispers
of the men below.

I will lift a pint or two in their memory.

They came to America to make a better life
for themselves, their families and us all. Not
to destroy America, as many contemporary
arrivals, illegal and legal, seek to do.

More often than not, they endured hard labor
severe hardships and met early deaths. Despite
this, they found fleeting moments of happiness.

My father told me about the funeral races
to St Patrick's Cemetery, Butte. One day he
was riding with Black Jim, his uncle and
brother to my grandfather Mike. Black Jim
ran a saloon on the Anaconda Road, Dublin
Gulch. Grandmother Julia, then a widow, ran
a boarding house for Irish miners a few doors

Black Jim , and others were in a mad dash
to the graveyard. His horse threw a shoe
which nearly hit my father in the head.

The wagon careened out of control, the
coffin tossed out , the departed ejected

Not to worry. They were at our relations
place- the Five Mile Saloon.

They dusted off the departed, put him back
in the box, stood it agae the wall, and went
in for a some music, song and a few pints
and shots.

What else could men do, who, daily,  faced the
prospect of an early death and the fire below?

Grandmother Julia brought the family back
to Beara in 1913, because she felt that Butte
was no place to raise her surviving 3 sons and
a daughter.

My father was sent to the old place in
Inchinteskin, to, along with Pats Cohu, work
the farm for their grandparents Sean O Sullivan
Mihicl Anna and Johanna O'Sullivan Shearhig
from Coulagh Ard (The High Field above).

My father said that though the work was hard
those were the best days of his life, growing up
in where the clean mountain air of Beara mingles
with the  Westerly winds, mists and gales blowing
in off the Atlantic.

Another summer is on the wane. The days grow
shorter and the cold winds of winter will soon

                                                          Joe Sullivan

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Prudent observers will take warning from
the recent earth quake and Hurricane Irene.

The quake did not cause much visible damage
but may have weakened many buildings and
transportation infrastructure.

Indian Point nuclear plants sit atop the Ramapo
fault line. Despite the pr ads, shut down is the
prudent thing to do.

More than 20 million people live in the shadow
of these twin plants. Safe, clean power? Hardly.

Better to conserve and import more Quebec
hydro power rather than risk a natural or
man made (terrorist) disaster for Metro NY/NJ
and the Hudson Valley.

Condolences  at the loss of lives and property
from Hurricane Irene, which was downgraded
to a tropical storm by the time it reached NY.

Flooding losses were huge. Many went without
power for days.

Imagine a sustained loss of the power grid and
or utilities in our Northeast winter.

Imagine the disaster had it been a category 4
or 5 hurricane. Still a couple of months to go
in hurricane season.

The lesson of these two events is clear. We
must be be prepared for natural disasters
....and man made disasters, in particular
acts of terrorisr, by the foreign Jihadists
and their domestic recruits, who are plotting
unimaginable acts, seeking to destroy America
and all Americans.

Our borders and ports are wide open. Millions
of illegals have overrun our land, among them
the Jihadists,

They dwell amomg us, plotting and planning
our demise.

Failure of the federal government to secure
our borders and ports. Failure of states,and
local communities, to end sanctuary status
for illegal aliens has put our nation and each
of us in harms way.

Warning signs ought to be posted at all polling

"Warning! Political correctness and
blind partyline voting are hazardous to your

The man made disaster that waits us, dwarfs
any natural disaster.

Of course, the two may coincide one day
creating the mother of all disasters.

In that case the lights will be out for a long
long time.

Better to anticipate what can happen and
prepare as best one can. We are all in a
real life survivor challenge.

This is not a drill.

                                        Joe Sullivan