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Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Before chastizing General McChrystal
Barack Hussain Obama should look in
the mirror and ask himself if his words
actions and behavior make him worthy
and fit to be Commander In Chief.

Apologizing for America. Bowing to
foreign leaders. Dismantling our weapons
systems and space program. Allowing
Mexican Presidente Calderone to insult
America and all Americans, while a guest
in the White House, and in an address
before Congress. Saddling our troops with
rules of engagement that make them
targets. Playing golf, hoops and hosting
White House parties while leaving our
troops in Afghanistan without promised
reenforcements. Setting an arbitrary
withdrawl timetable while the Taliban
inflicts higher casualties on U S and
allied forces. Failing to secure our
borders and ports. Seeking amnesty
for the tens of millions of illegal aliens
who have invaded our land. Proposing
cap and trade legislation which will
result in escalation of energy costs for
consumers and put millions more
Americans out of work. Imposing an
arbitrary moratorium on offshore
oil drilling which causes more
unemployment and puts America at
increased risk - while the Chinese
and others continue to drill for oil
in the Gulf of Mexico and elsewhere
offshore. Circumventing the Constitution
and a hapless Congress

No wonder General McChrystal and his
staff derided the Obama White House
team. The latter are whimps who are
putting the lives of our military in harms
way and America, and all Americans, as

If General McChrystal is relieved of
command by Obama. Obama and his
team should do the honorable thing
and resign in masse. They are not fit
and worthy to lead our military or to
lead our nation.

Carry on General, you are in the
company of MacArthur and Patton.
America's finest!

You would make a fit and worthy
Commander In Chief. A 2012 run
for President will result in a nice
promotion and save America at
the same time.

Joe Sullivan

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