1. Volcanic eruptions : Mt Peaktu
Westerly winds carry fall out to
North America. Nuclear winter
effect could devastate U S.
2. Commander In Chief? Sending
American troops to Africa to combat
Ebola? Foolhardy! Could decimate
our military and put all Americans
in grave danger.
Look at diseases which have been
brought to U S by President Obama
unlawfully bringing hundreds of
thousands of ,illegal aliens here
from Latin America, and distributing
them all over the USA, spreading
drug resistant TB, Polio, lice and
much more. Insane!
3. President Obama, his administration
the Courts, and Democratic officeholders
at the federal, state and local levels and
enrolled Democratic voters who blindly
follow the Democratic Party agenda
which is destroying America as well
as our Liberty.
Informed voters voting out the offenders
and rejecting their agenda is the cure.
Our own government is a more immediate
threat to America, and all Americans than
ISIS is not to be discounted, but can be
A. Secure our Southern border.
B. Ally with Asad in Syria, rather
than trying to remove him. Enlist
him and his military against ISIS.
C. Ally with Asad's supporters, Russia
and Iran, to defeat ISIS.
C. Arm the Kurds who are true
allies of the USA. The Kurds will
make short work of ISIS.
D. Ally with the Egyptian military.
They ousted the Muslim Brotherhood
who Obama and Hillary supported.
E. Congress must clip Obama's wings
and not allow his dictatorial behavior.
Use the power of the purse and
abolish/downsize, de-fund the federal
departments and agencies, including
the EPA, Education: Obamacre and
much more.
Restrict his use of military aircraft
for vacations and political campaigning.
Impeach him for violating his oath of
office, trashing the Constitution, acting
as a tin horn dictator, bypassing Congress
breaking immigration and other laws
failing to secure our borders, bringing
and spreading diseases to the US
destroying the finest medical care in
the world through Obamacare,
downsizing our military and navy
unilaterally disarming our country
when we need a strong military more
than ever, destroying our economy and
the middle class, and for incompetence.
A huge turnout of voters casting
informed votes in federal and state
elections, November 4th can put
America on a sound Constitutional
course, restoring our Republic
economy and Liberty.
In the final analysis it is the people
who can save themselves, their loved
ones, our Liberty and our government
using the power of the vote beginning
with the November 4, 2014 elections
Joe Sullivan
Joe Sullivan
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
NY Democratic officeholders
and those Democratic voters
who vote for such officeholders
are destroying NY and America.
Control of the NYS Senate is up
for grabs in the November 4th
In the Senate district 44, Neil
Breslin, long time incumbent
and "progressive" Democrat
will support amnesty for the
3 million, or more, illegal
aliens who have invaded our
State Senator Breslin is
unopposed for reelection.
Voters deserve a choice
for NYS Senate 44 district.
Voters should have the
opportunity to vote for for
a candidate who:
1. opposes this proposed
amnesty for illegal aliens
2. supports securing our
borders and upholding
current immigration laws
3. supports repeal of the
"Safe Act" which makes
law abiding citizens less
4. supports drilling for
NY gas, now. Tapping
our natural gas resources
will create an economic
boom for Upstate NY and
Albany/Troy akin to the
building of the Erie Canal
in the 1820's.
5. supports building a
refinery at the Port of Albany
to refine Dakota oil. This
will increase the tax base
of the City of Albany, provide
good paying jobs and lower
the costs of gasoline and heating
oil for Capital District r residents.
6. supports Albany tapping low
cost, clean hydro power electricity
from the 765 Kv power line to
be constructed through Albany
from Quebec to NYC
7. opposes public financing of
political campaigns.
Write in voting is the cure for
political tyranny
8. supports rejection of the
common core educational
standards imposed by the
federal government. Education
is a local-state responsibility.
9. advocates that security
and public safety are the
priority issues of our time
and who supports citizen
emergency/disaster preparedness
10. will uphold the Constitution
support restoration of our
Constitutional Republican form
of government, and our Liberty
Government can't save us.
The people must save themselves
their loved ones, our state
State Senator Breslin
all Democrats, and any
Republicans, who support
amnesty for illegal aliens
and sanctuary status for
illegal aliens anywhere in
NY State,
should be defeated at the
polls, November 4.
Voters who vote the party line
November 4, in the 44th State
Senate District are voting to
destroy NYS, America, them-
selves and their loved ones.
Casting a write in vote for
State Senator District 44
and any other office, is the
cure for political tyranny.
Democratic control of the
State Senate would be a disaster
for New York and all New Yorkers.
Leaving Senator Breslin
unopposed, thereby giving
voters of the 44th State Senate
District any voice in the
outcome of the struggle for
the state senate, amounts to
political tyranny.
Therefore, I present myself
as a
write in candidate for NYS
Senate District 44 .
Write in (print) my name
Joe Sullivan
in the write in space for
State Senate District 44.
Be sure to fill in the oval.
The District includes the Cities
of Albany, Troy, Watervliet
and Cohoes, as well as the
Towns of Colonie and Bethlehem.
My resume includes:
* significant experience
in State Government having
been part of the Governor
Hugh Carey administration
Chief of Staff to State Senator
Howard Nolan, and close
confident of Assemblyman
Dick Conners.
* retired as state senate staffer
in 1992.
* a professional Geographer
with a BS from U of Wisconsin
Madison; and MA from U Minnesota
I stand for points 1-10 above.
When you write in Joe Sullivan
it sends a message to the Governor
and State Senate that you stand
for one or more of the 10 positions
which I advocate.
The Government can't save us.
We must save ourselves, our loved
ones, the state, nation, our
constitutional form of government
and our Liberty.
A solemn challenge for each of us.
Pass the word to all you know.
Thank you.
God Bless America. It is up to
us to help save America by casting
informed votes, November 4.
Polls open 6 am - 9 pm. Vote
absentee is you are not able to
go to the polls that day.
Joe Sullivan
Tel 438 5230
website: read nationally and
worldwide -
NY Democratic officeholders
and those Democratic voters
who vote for such officeholders
are destroying NY and America.
Control of the NYS Senate is up
for grabs in the November 4th
In the Senate district 44, Neil
Breslin, long time incumbent
and "progressive" Democrat
will support amnesty for the
3 million, or more, illegal
aliens who have invaded our
State Senator Breslin is
unopposed for reelection.
Voters deserve a choice
for NYS Senate 44 district.
Voters should have the
opportunity to vote for for
a candidate who:
1. opposes this proposed
amnesty for illegal aliens
2. supports securing our
borders and upholding
current immigration laws
3. supports repeal of the
"Safe Act" which makes
law abiding citizens less
4. supports drilling for
NY gas, now. Tapping
our natural gas resources
will create an economic
boom for Upstate NY and
Albany/Troy akin to the
building of the Erie Canal
in the 1820's.
5. supports building a
refinery at the Port of Albany
to refine Dakota oil. This
will increase the tax base
of the City of Albany, provide
good paying jobs and lower
the costs of gasoline and heating
oil for Capital District r residents.
6. supports Albany tapping low
cost, clean hydro power electricity
from the 765 Kv power line to
be constructed through Albany
from Quebec to NYC
7. opposes public financing of
political campaigns.
Write in voting is the cure for
political tyranny
8. supports rejection of the
common core educational
standards imposed by the
federal government. Education
is a local-state responsibility.
9. advocates that security
and public safety are the
priority issues of our time
and who supports citizen
emergency/disaster preparedness
10. will uphold the Constitution
support restoration of our
Constitutional Republican form
of government, and our Liberty
Government can't save us.
The people must save themselves
their loved ones, our state
State Senator Breslin
all Democrats, and any
Republicans, who support
amnesty for illegal aliens
and sanctuary status for
illegal aliens anywhere in
NY State,
should be defeated at the
polls, November 4.
Voters who vote the party line
November 4, in the 44th State
Senate District are voting to
destroy NYS, America, them-
selves and their loved ones.
Casting a write in vote for
State Senator District 44
and any other office, is the
cure for political tyranny.
Democratic control of the
State Senate would be a disaster
for New York and all New Yorkers.
Leaving Senator Breslin
unopposed, thereby giving
voters of the 44th State Senate
District any voice in the
outcome of the struggle for
the state senate, amounts to
political tyranny.
Therefore, I present myself
as a
write in candidate for NYS
Senate District 44 .
Write in (print) my name
Joe Sullivan
in the write in space for
State Senate District 44.
Be sure to fill in the oval.
The District includes the Cities
of Albany, Troy, Watervliet
and Cohoes, as well as the
Towns of Colonie and Bethlehem.
My resume includes:
* significant experience
in State Government having
been part of the Governor
Hugh Carey administration
Chief of Staff to State Senator
Howard Nolan, and close
confident of Assemblyman
Dick Conners.
* retired as state senate staffer
in 1992.
* a professional Geographer
with a BS from U of Wisconsin
Madison; and MA from U Minnesota
I stand for points 1-10 above.
When you write in Joe Sullivan
it sends a message to the Governor
and State Senate that you stand
for one or more of the 10 positions
which I advocate.
The Government can't save us.
We must save ourselves, our loved
ones, the state, nation, our
constitutional form of government
and our Liberty.
A solemn challenge for each of us.
Pass the word to all you know.
Thank you.
God Bless America. It is up to
us to help save America by casting
informed votes, November 4.
Polls open 6 am - 9 pm. Vote
absentee is you are not able to
go to the polls that day.
Joe Sullivan
Tel 438 5230
website: read nationally and
worldwide -
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Islamists v Infidels.
The US, Europe, Russia, China,
India, Japan, Phillipines
Australia-New Zealand
Latin American and African
Nations must unite to oppose
Islamic Jihadists who seek to
establish a world caliphate.
Use, rather than lose your
Where is Charles The Hammer
when we need him?
Joe Sullivan
Islamists v Infidels.
The US, Europe, Russia, China,
India, Japan, Phillipines
Australia-New Zealand
Latin American and African
Nations must unite to oppose
Islamic Jihadists who seek to
establish a world caliphate.
Use, rather than lose your
Where is Charles The Hammer
when we need him?
Joe Sullivan
Read and evaluate:
America is safer? Really?
His objective is to degrade and
destroy ISIL or America?
ISIL is not Islamic? (Yet their
goal to establish a worldwide
Islamic caliphate )
America is going to send more
millions/billions of dollars of
foreign aid to Islamists and have
US air and naval forces serve
as mercenaries for Islamist
ground forces?
Why not let them pay for our
services rather than sending them
dollars and arms?
What about securing our borders
enforcing existing US Immigration
laws, not flooding our country with
tens of millions of illegal aliens who
are bringing diseases, crime, as
well as overburdening our schools
health care and welfare systems
to the detriment of American
taxpayers and poor Americans?
What about upholding our Constitution
rather than trashing it?
Yes... God Bless America, and the
world, during the remaining two
years and 4 months of an out of
control, incompetent Obama
Save us from a rogue President
Congress, Supreme Court and
federal/state bureaucracies and
a complicit media, that are
degrading and destroying our
Save us from an apathetic
uninformed electorate that is
responsible for the creation of
this Frankenstein administration.
Pray that the voters vote and
cast informed votes in 2014
November elections and begin
task of restoring our
Constitutional Republic and
our Liberty.
Joe Sullivan
Read and evaluate:
America is safer? Really?
His objective is to degrade and
destroy ISIL or America?
ISIL is not Islamic? (Yet their
goal to establish a worldwide
Islamic caliphate )
America is going to send more
millions/billions of dollars of
foreign aid to Islamists and have
US air and naval forces serve
as mercenaries for Islamist
ground forces?
Why not let them pay for our
services rather than sending them
dollars and arms?
What about securing our borders
enforcing existing US Immigration
laws, not flooding our country with
tens of millions of illegal aliens who
are bringing diseases, crime, as
well as overburdening our schools
health care and welfare systems
to the detriment of American
taxpayers and poor Americans?
What about upholding our Constitution
rather than trashing it?
Yes... God Bless America, and the
world, during the remaining two
years and 4 months of an out of
control, incompetent Obama
Save us from a rogue President
Congress, Supreme Court and
federal/state bureaucracies and
a complicit media, that are
degrading and destroying our
Save us from an apathetic
uninformed electorate that is
responsible for the creation of
this Frankenstein administration.
Pray that the voters vote and
cast informed votes in 2014
November elections and begin
task of restoring our
Constitutional Republic and
our Liberty.
Joe Sullivan
Could disable military, weather, and
other satellites; electric power grids
cell phones, vehicles; air/sea navigation
GPS, and much more; not to mention
increasing sun burn risks and air
Is our sun (star) burning out..getting
brighter, stronger like a light bulb
before it burns out?
The real cause of climate change
over which humans have no control?
EPA carbon credits and shutting
down coal burning power plants
and killing the U S coal mining
sector are misguided political
policy decisions that are futile
Joe Sullivan
Could disable military, weather, and
other satellites; electric power grids
cell phones, vehicles; air/sea navigation
GPS, and much more; not to mention
increasing sun burn risks and air
Is our sun (star) burning out..getting
brighter, stronger like a light bulb
before it burns out?
The real cause of climate change
over which humans have no control?
EPA carbon credits and shutting
down coal burning power plants
and killing the U S coal mining
sector are misguided political
policy decisions that are futile
Joe Sullivan

Monday, February 15, 2010
Refer to this site often:
SECURITY at the national, state
and local levels.
If we are not safe, nothing else will
matter. There won't be any health
care or economy.
Government can't save you. You
must prepare to save yourself and
your loved ones.
Joe Sullivan
Refer to this site often:
SECURITY at the national, state
and local levels.
If we are not safe, nothing else will
matter. There won't be any health
care or economy.
Government can't save you. You
must prepare to save yourself and
your loved ones.
Joe Sullivan
Saturday, September 6, 2014
From Governor Cuomo:
You are the first responder. Save yourself and your loved ones.
Read. Take the short course.
Joe Sullivan
From Governor Cuomo:
You are the first responder. Save yourself and your loved ones.
Read. Take the short course.
Joe Sullivan
Thursday, September 4, 2014
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