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Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Congressman Paul Tonko (D-NY21)
makes a campaign appearance at
Avila Retirement Community today:,29&itemid=554

The time and location of this "Town
Hall Meeting on Medicare and Medicaid"
provides a friendly, controlled setting
for Tonko to get some face/sound bite
media coverage at prime news time
this evening.

The purpose is NOT to inform or to
provide the general public with an
opportunity to directly interact with
Tonko. Questions will be selectively

Avila and residents therein are
beneficiaries of taxpayer funded
government benefits. The residents
themselves, are not impacted by
any proposed changes in medicare
or medicaid because of their age.
Nonetheless, this is a captive, docile
audience of likely Democratic voters
who will make a nice prop for Tonko
and President Obama, as they seek
the senior vote in the 2012 election.

Avila community is affiliated with
the RC Diocese of Albany, which
is very dependent on federal and
state funding  to sustain operations.

Observe how the local media covers
this event.

How informed does this make you?

                                     Joe Sullivan

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