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Friday, April 28, 2017


May 1 The Albany Common Council
may vote repeal the existing Albany
City Zoning Code and replace it with
Mayor Sheehan's Rezone Albany
Zoning Code/Official Map.

Enactment of the Rezone Albany
Code/Map  will allow mixed uses
currently not permitted in the
R 1B Single family residential

Under the existing zoning Code
only two uses are permitted in
R 1B zoning districts: single family
dwellings and Houses of Worship.

See existing Albany City Zoning
Official Map:

The R 1B single family residential
districts pay the lion's share of property
taxes that support city schools and
city government services.

Enactment of the Rezone Albany 
Code/Map will  result in a loss of
neighborhood residential integrity
and quality of life. Home values
will fall negatively impacting the
city property tax base, and, in turn
support for city schools/city government

Not a wise move for an insolvent
city. The 12.5 million dollar bail out
to fill the hole in the 2017 City budget
will be released in increments rather
than a lump sum. One political misstep
by the Mayor could result in the City
losing this bailout.

There will be no further spin ups of
state payments in lieu of taxes to the
City of Albany

The Mayor and Common Council
have declared Albany to be a Sanctuary
City which will result in loss of millions
of dollars of federal aid to the city.

The City is preparing to close the
landfill and establish a waste transfer
station there. This will result in a loss
of 15 million dollars annual revenue.
Where will the trash be transferred
to? The Moon?

Repeal of the existing Albany Zoning
Code and replacing it with the Rezone
Albany Code/Map will doom Albany
to becoming Detroit on the Hudson.

And, it may result in the Mayor and
Common Council Members not being
reelected in the November 7, 2017
General Election.

The Common Council Members would
be wise to table Rezone Albany Code/Map
and retain the existing Albany City Zoning
Code until voters are fully aware of how
the proposal will adversely impact their
neighborhoods, home values, the City
property tax base, support for City schools
and City services, as well as efforts to
restore fiscal solvency to the City of



                                     Joe Sullivan