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Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Joseph P Sullivan, of Albany, and candidate for Congress in
the 2008 Democratic Primary, said today, that retiring
Congressman Mike McNulty should be Governor Paterson's
pick to fill the U S Senate seat from New York, being vacated
by Hillary Clinton.

McNulty has 20 years experience in Washington. He knows
Congress and the issues confronting New York and America
at this critical time in our history.

This is no time for on the job training. McNulty is from
Upstate New York and well qualified to be an advocate for
the interests of Upstate, as well as represent all the people
of New York State.

Caroline Kennedy? Her recent interviews reveal that she is
no JFK. You know. Caroline lacks the command of the language
and knowledge of the issues to effectively assume the role of
U S Senator at this critical time.

Mike McNulty could immediately assume the duties of U S
Senator from New York.

Two years from now, 2010, he could either run for election
to that seat or pass the torch to another.

Caroline Kennedy could work for McNulty, gaining the
necessary experience, knowledge, and focus, as well as
command of English to run for that seat in 2010.

No doubt, her name and connections in Washington, would
make her a very effective asset to Senator McNulty.

Go for it Governor!

Mike, your state and country need you. You can do it!

Caroline, rise to the challenge made by JFK.
"Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what
you can do for your country".

Happy, healthy, safe 2009 to America and to all.

Joe Sullivan

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