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Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Both seek to fundamentally (radically)
transform America. Both are out to
destroy America as we know and love it.

Andrew McCarthy says two things stand
in their way: (1) Our Constitution and
(2) Our concept of Liberty.

I listened to McCarthy on Sean Hannity's
radio show yesterday. McCarthy presented
a most lucid analysis of the relationship
between Islamists and American progressives
who dominate government at the federal
state and local levels.

McCarthy's book "The Grand Jihad" should
be required reading for every true American

To save America from this destructive duo:

1.American progressive politicians must defeated
in September party primaries and the November
2 General Election.

2. Terrorist civil trials must not be held in NYC, or
anywhere else in the United States. Terrorists are
enemy combatants and shall be tried by military

3. Gitmo shall remain open. No terrorists shall be
incarcerated in American prisons.

4. Building a 13 story mosque at the NYC WTC site
shall be denied.

5. No amnesty for the tens of millions of illegal
aliens to have invaded our land.

6. Muslim immigration to America shall be ended.

7. Muslims already here can chose to become
Americans, adopt our culture and live by our laws
or leave.

We have been attacked, and invaded, by a foe
that is conducting a Jihad, both by violent and
stealth means. Either way, the end result is
destruction our Constitutional Republic and
loss of individual liberty.

Americam progressive politicians, and their
supporters, are aiding and abetting this Jihad
whether by intent, or through ignorance. They
must be driven from public office.

The Tea Party Movement must create an
independent Liberty Party line, in New York
for the November 2nd General Election, and
support patriots as candidates, on that ballot
line ,for U.S. Senate, Congress, Governor
State Senate and Assembly.

Liberty is the essence of the Declaration
of Independence, The Constitution, and
the Tea Party Movement.

The survival of America, and all Americans
are on the line in the 2010 elections.

Security, national defense, emergency/disaster
preparedness are the priorities. We are not safe.
We are not ready. Far too many Americans do
not comprehend what is at stake. That includes
the mainstream media.

Joe Sullivan

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