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Tuesday, May 18, 2010



In the more remote parts of West Cork
and Kerry, locals practice a form of
mountain commons grazing or
transhumance that dates back to medieval

Why not apply this practice to Thacher
Park to keep the fields and grass areas
trim and tidy?

Albany County Executive Michael Breslin
said while the county doesn't have money
for the parks, he will work with organizations
to reopen Thacher and other sites in the county.
Read more:

Reach out to local farmers to put sheep and goats
to graze Thacher during the summer months.
Border Collies and Australian Shepherds can
keep an eye on the stock as they graze, keeping
the grass well trimmed. The herds can move
from one part of the park, to another, so that
overgrazing does not occur.

Cornell Coopertive Extension of Albany County
could coordinate this effort, with local farmers.

As for rest rooms, how about the Plumbers and
Steamfitters Union volunteers getting the rest
rooms up and running? Other volunteers could
keep them clean and tidy.

Parking lots can be maintained by volunteers
from city, town and county street and highway

Prisoners from the county jail could assist under
supervision of guards, in any or all of the above
chores. Prisioners will earn their room and board
while doing a public service. They, and the guards
will benefit from getting some fresh air and sunshine.

Various organizations could adopt specific parts
of the park, hold volunteer working picnics to
keep those parts of the park operational and in
good form.

Law and order, and security, could be kept by
volunteers from state, city, town law enforcement
agencies. City and volunteer fire departments
and local hospitals could provide volunteers
for EMT and emergency service.

Volunteers from county, city and town water
and health departments could make sure that
the park water supply is functional and safe

Need more volunteers? Where are the many
thousands of Thacher supporters who signed
petitions on Facebook?

Need to raise money? How about some groups
holding a few concerts on summers evenings
at Thacher?

Come on people - use your imagination. Do
your part to transform America back to the
way it was in days gone by.

Joe Sullivan

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