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Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It was painful to listen to Governor
Cuomo on today's Fred Dicker radio
show (Talk 1300), as the Governor
blamed the Congressional "super
committee" for it's failure, while
dodging, dancing and weaving
in a vain effort to avoid Fred's
repeated questions as to whether
it is the President who has failed
as leader?

The Governor evaded the question
again and again, protesting that
it was a failure of government.

Fred's questioning was masterful
and relentless. The Governor was
not his usual confident self.

To be fair, Governor Cuomo
knows that he,  New York and
all New Yorkers, would suffer
federal reprisals if he were to
acknowledge President Obama's
complete failure as a leader.

New York is captive to large
amounts of federal aid. The
Governor, had to dance, bob
dodge and weave , like a fish
on the hook, to protect himself
and us.

No, excuse!

The 2012 elections are D Day
for the future of America and
all Americans.  Who will be
brazen (stupid) enough to deny

The challenge before Governor
Cuomo, and all Democrats, is:
do they put party before the
survival of America, our survival
and their own?

The solution?  Democrats have
to deny Obama renomination
if he can not be quietly convinced
to leave office, voluntarily, asap.

Unlike, Michelle, I have always
respected and had pride in

However, I can not respect a
devious, incompetent, bent on
radically transforming
(translated-destroying) America.

Obama is underwater and he is
taking the country, and all of us
down with him.

America faces a political
leadership crisis at every level
of government.

We are taking on water and

Politicians, the media and
the voting public are on board
the 21st Century equivalent
of the Titanic, dancing the
night away.

Not an ice berg in sight?

                   Joe Sullivan

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