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Thursday, February 12, 2009


Ghost tickets or ghost candidates?

The Common Council will caucus at
5 pm today, to decide whether or not
to issue subpoenas to Albany Police
Union President Chris Mesley and
Albany Police Chief Jim Tuffey, as
part of the Common Council's
investgation into issuance of
no-fine parking tickets.

Tonight's caucus and vote is more
political posturing by a number of
Council Members who are haunted
by desires to become candidates
for Mayor and Common Council
President in this year's city election.

Corey Ellis, wants to run for Mayor.
Dom Calsolaro does too, but he is
on record as being willing to yield
to either Ellis or Shawn Morris, if
either decides to run for Mayor.

Corey Ellis is leading the charge
on the subpoena move. He appears
to have the support of four Council
Members: Calsolaro, Smith, Timmons
and O'Brien.

Council President Shawn Morris
can't vote, unless there is a tie.
But, her ally, 7th Ward Council
Member Fahey, can vote.

A Fahey vote in support of
subpoenas would be a clear
indicator that Morris is not going
to run for Mayor.

Council Member McLaughlin
wants to run for Common Council
President, but would have a tough
road if Morris runs for re-election.

McLaughlin won't vote yes in
support of the subpoenas because
she would have a better shot at
being a running mate to Morris.
Calsolaro is a more likely choice
of Morris, because two females
for the two top offices don't cut

If Ellis were to prevail, Calsolaro
would be his likely running mate
freezing out McLauglin for Council
President. Besides, two blacks as
candidates for the two top
offices don't cut it either.

The rest of the Council Members
would accrue little or no
advantage by supporting the
subpoena move and the
candidacy aspirations of the

The ghost ticket issue has been
laid to rest.

It is over. Issuing subpoenas
at this point would be like
grave robbing.

The rest of the Council Members
do not stand to gain politically
by alienating the Albany Police
and Mayor Jenings.

Voting yes to support ghost ticket
subpoenas will very likely come
back to haunt those Council

Prediction: The move to issue
ghost ticket subpoenas fails
and it should.

Ghost tickets RIP.

Joe Sullivan

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