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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Holder:Americans are cowardly on
matters of race TU 2/19/09 pA4

This AP article informs the reader that
Eric Holder, "the nation's first black
attorney general, said Wednesday that
the United States was a 'nation of cowards"
on matters of race, with most Americans
avoiding candid discussions of racial issues".

Holder went on to say: "If we are ever going
to make progress, we're going to have the guts,
we have to have the determination, to be
honest with each other".

OK Eric let's be honest with each other.

You are a racial bomb thrower who has one
huge chip on your shoulder. You lit the fuse
and held on too long.

First, black Americans have achieved the
highest offices in the land, including
President, Governor of New York and
yourself as Attorney General.

Now, isn't that progress?

Each, of the above, is , in fact, black and
white. Persons of mixed race.

Eric, you take great pride in your
Caribbean (Barbados) roots. And you
should. Holder is an English name
that traces back to Gloucestershire
as well as to Virginia planters. No
doubt English blood traces through
your veins. Perhaps, even Irish blood.

Perhaps, your English Houlder,
Holder and Himpton, Hampton
ancestors were slavers of my people.

Many Irish, among them, my own
ancestors, were transported to
Barbados as slaves on the English
sugar plantations.

Click on:

Most died there, or intermarried
with African slaves. Some, escaped
to South Carolina in 1656, when
our sea captain, Florey O Sullivan
from the Ardea branch of the family
stopped by and picked them up
enroute to Charleston, South Carolina
where Sullivan's Island is today.

You should get down on your knees
and thank God that you are in America
today, and that you have achieved one
of the highest offices in the land.

Get the chip off your shoulder. Go home
to your mama and have her wash your
mouth with soap.

We are all Americans , and should be
proud and thankful that we are.

Stop playing the race card.

Concentrate on protecting America
from the radical Islamists who seek
to destroy America, all Americans
(you included) and our way of life.

Secure our national borders. No
jobs, education, healthcare and
social services/security for illegal
aliens will result in their going
back to where they came from.

Don't try to take way the Second
Amendment rights of law abiding

Urge your leader, President Obama
to do the same.

Devote your energies to having
black Americans get the chips off
their shoulders. They have been free
a long time.

There is a dark side to Black History
in America. Poverty, including poverty
of spirit, has much to do with this.

Consider blighted urban places, crime
illegitimacy, being welfare lifers, all
leading to a growing dependent population
that contributes little or nothing to the
betterment of American society, and which
is a drain on society which the nation can
no longer afford.

Time for attitudinal and behavioral changes
among those that identify as black.

Love learning. Go to school. Get educated.
Get a job. Get a family structure that consists
of a nuclear family, a man and a woman, who
bring up their offsprings with discipline and
values. Take responsibility for your own actions.
Contribute to the betterment of the communities
in which you live. Reject unwed pregnancies,
rappers, gangbangers, drugs, crime, blighted
neighborhoods and cities. Clean up and rebuild
in those blighted places. Do not spread blight
to other neighborhoods and communities.

The past is past, we are all Americans now.
Be thankful and proud for that.

America's survival, including that of each and
every one of us, is on the line. We are beset by
economic, cultural and political turmoil, while
lunatic Islamic terrorists, Hugo Chavez, Russia
Iran, and China, among others, do their best
to see that America goes down.

Americans: united we stand and survive, or
divided we fall.

Each of us has a role to play. Persons who
occupy powerful offices such as President,
Attorney General and Governor, have a
particular responsibility to lead, and unite
not divide Americans.

Joe Sullivan

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