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Friday, January 23, 2009


1. Hillary loses the 2008
Democratic Presidential Primary.

2. Obama wins.
He gets the prize but has no team to field.

3. Hillary and Bill Clinton provide the team...
their team of presidential cabinet appointees.
Hillary gets Secretary of State.

4. Obama immediately begins to self-destruct
issuing 5 Executive Orders that undermine
national security
and amount to attempting to govern by decree
by-passing the Congress.

5. Obama, who once said, we can't drill
our way out of the oil crisis, embarks
on a mad plan to spend our
way out of the economic crisis.

6. Obama likens himself to Lincoln.
Lincoln freed the slaves and was
Commander In Chief during the
Civil War. The bloodiest in American history.
That Civil War was a sectional conflict pitting
North against South. Ironically, Obama appears
to be promoting a social and legislative agenda
that could trigger a second civil war which the
nation will not survive. An Obama nominee
Robert Reich testifies before Congress saying
white construction workers should be excluded
from jobs funded by Obama's infrastructure
stimulus plan.

7. Meanwhile, Queen Hillary
a masterful politician
consolidates her control over national and
New York politics.

8. Governor Paterson dumps Caroline Kennedy
hard. Instead choosing Hillary protege Kirsten
Gillibrand. Setting the stage for a wild 2010
Primary and General Election scramble for
federal and state offices in New York.

9. Gillibrand may be able to fill the void left by
the departure of State Senate Majority Leader
Joe Bruno, to benefit the Capitol District in
these tough economic times.

Maybe she can lead the way to (1) scrapping
the plan to dredge Hudson PCB's and
reallocate those funds to rebuilding and
improving the water/sewer infrastructure
of Albany, Troy, Watervliet, Cohoes and
smaller river communities; (2) restore
the Erie Canal-Hudson River waterway
to move freight and passengers,
(3) build light rail lines to connect cities
surburbs and rural areas and (4) foster
a concerted effort to weed out crime and
urban blight in Capitol District cities
making them safe and attractive for
the population shift back to the cities
as oil becomes expensive and scarce.

Gillibrand has taken a big leap. Moving
from a safe congressional seat, where
she enjoyed good relations with Speaker

The demands of being Senator, and having
to run in a statewide campaign in 2010
are bound to take a toll on Gillibrand
and her young children.

We wish her, and them, well. We hope
she can deliver for us and all New Yorkers.

10. As for the 2oth congressional district
Current Assembly Minority Leader
Jim Tedisco is far and away the best
choice to succeed Gillibrand.
Having Jim as Congressman
will also benefit, the Capitol District.

In sum, Queen Hillary rules! Maybe in
the end, a benevolent monarchy is just
what a celebrity, American Idol crazed
electorate needs.

Maybe, Hillary is just what is needed to
bring the radical Islamic jihadists, who
threaten our national, and individual
survival, to heel.

Joe Sullivan

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