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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Is there a need for a Black and
Puerto Rican Caucus in Albany
and Washington?


We have a Black President-elect
Black Governor and
Black State Senate Leader.

The President-elect represents
all Americans.
The Governor of New York and
the State Senate Leader represent
all New Yorkers.

All members of Congress respresent
their particular districts, and all

Members of the New York State
Legislature represent their
particular districts,and all
New Yorkers.

Blacks and Hispanics can be
rightly proud of people of their
origins who have been elected
and appointed, to leadership
posts at the national, state and
local levels.

If we are to survive the challenges
that face us, we must face those
challenges as Americans and New

The time has come to unite, rather
than divide by race, ethnic origins
gender, religion, and sexual

The annual Black and Puert Rican
Legislators Caucus bash held in
Albany each February must not be
paid for with public monies.

Such groups who hold gatherings
in Albany, including special interest
lobby groups, must reimburse the
City of Albany and State of New York
for any costs relating to increased
security, police and fire department
overtime, and clean ups by DGS
and OGS workers.

The party is over. All groups must
pay their own way when they come
to Albany.

Local and state taxpayers need
tax relief. This is one way to achieve
that goal.

Joe Sullivan

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