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Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Senator Schumer should also be
concerned about oil rail tank cars
rail lines and rail yard sidings

Albany is a soft terror target - the
kind that Osama Bin Laden directed
his followers to target.

Senator Schumer should:

1. Call for a full Coast Guard port
     security unit to be stationed at
     the port of Albany

2. Arrange for local/state police and
    law enforcement agencies, as well
    as firefighter units, NYA National
    Guard units and the army command
    at Watervliet Arsenal, to develop
    a sound security for all rail lines
    and rail yards in, and around Albany
    particularly tank cars containing
    natural gas, ethanol, and petrol
    as well as storage tanks.

3.  Strike the enacting clause of the
     Amnesty for illegal aliens legislation
     that he, the gang of 8 and President
     Obama are trying to force through

4.  Round up and deport the thousands
     of illegal aliens released from U S
     prisons at the direction of Obama.

5.  Immediately act to secure our
     Southern border halting the invasion
     of our land by tens of millions of
     illegal aliens, among them OTM's
     bent on the destruction of America.

6.  Track down and deport the tens of
      thousands of foreign nationals who
      remain at large in the U S after
      expiration of their visas.

7.   Urge the Albany Common Council
      NYC, NYS and other political
      to rescind sanctaury status for illegal

8.  Require all illegals in country to
     register with the Federal Department
     of Homeland Security. Share this data
     with state and local law enforcement.

America is in great peril because of the
failure of government at the federal, state
and local governments to keep America
and all Americans secure and safe.

Do not delay.

                                Joe Sullivan

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