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Sunday, February 14, 2010


President Barack Hussain Obama has said
repeatly it his objective is to fundamentally
transform America. Some clarity is needed as
to just what he has in mind.

He has also said we are not engaged in
a War on Terror.

He is sworn to close Gitmo and bring
those being held there(terrorists?) to
prisons on the American mainland.

Obama , and his front man AG Holder
want to put KSM and other 9-11 participants
(terrorists?) on trial in civil court in New York
City thereby assuring that NYC gets hit by
another Al Qaida attack.

Holder has defended the choice of NYC
as venue for these civil trials, and has
declared that KSM, and the others
will be found guilty and executed.
Case dismissed. Defense lawyers for
KSM, et al, will move for dismissal
on grounds that their clients won't
get a fair trial.

Obama's Director of Homeland Security
Janet Napolitano stands by the Obama
Administration's view that returning U.S.
military veterans, Americans that oppose
abortion, and other "right wing extremists"
are potential terrorists.

Profiling? Not to worry. Pro-Choicers
progressives, draft evaders, illegal aliens
gangbangers, socialists, commies and \
assorted leftists are not on the watch list.
..Not yet anyway.

More recently, Admiral Blair confirms before
Congress that "the President claims to have
the power to assassinate American citizens with
no charges, trials and no judicial oversight
of any kind" ... if they are a threat to us and
other Americans"..... (if they deemed to be the Obama Administration)

Who are "us" and "other Americans?"

Are American Citizens who support the
Constitution, particularly the First,
Second , Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments

Are Tea Party Patriots terrorists?

Are the President, and his radical
Administration the terrorists?

Are the left wing "progressive"
Democrats who control the Congress
and Governorship, and both houses
of the State Legislature in New York

Fundamentally transform America?
Government assassination of American
Citizens without charges, trials and
judicial oversight of any kind?

Any incumbent elected official who
advocates ,or supports, this policy objective
should be removed from office through
the electoral process in 2010.

It is about time that Congress looked
into Impeachment of the current
President, before he does irreversible
harm to America and Americans.

Joe Sullivan

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